How To Spot A Fake Wedding Ring

Fake Wedding Ring
Fake Wedding Ring

Sure, there’s nothing like a shiny new wedding band to signify the start of a new life together, but while they’re not as easy to fake as you might think, there are still some telltale signs that can help you separate the fake from the real. Read on to find out what those are!

What makes a fake ring a fake ring?

When it comes to wedding rings, the quality of the metal and the craftsmanship is key. Here are a few telltale signs that a ring is fake: it’s made of a cheaper metal, it’s poorly made, the ring is too big or too small, there are scratches or dents in the metal, and the diamonds are not genuine. If you’re not sure if your ring is real or not, ask a trusted friend or family member to inspect it for you. If they can’t tell the difference, then chances are good that your ring is fake.

Some crimes committed against wedding rings

If you are thinking of buying a ring online, or from a questionable source, be sure to do your research. There are a few easy ways to spot a fake wedding ring, and unless the ring is from an extremely reputable store, it’s probably not worth the risk.

The most obvious sign that a ring is fake is if it’s too good to be true. A real wedding ring will typically be made of cheap metals, with a low level of craftsmanship. A fake ring, on the other hand, will typically be made of better metals and have more intricate designs. In addition, a real wedding band will be wider than a regular ring, while a fake one will be narrower.

Another giveaway that a ring is fake is if it has inconsistencies in the metal. A real wedding band will often have straight lines throughout the band, while a fake one may have curves or waves in the metal. Finally, if you can’t get the seller to provide you with photos of the ring before you buy it, it’s probably not authentic.

Things to look out for in overall authenticity

1. The ring is too good to be true – If the ring is too good to be true, it’s likely a fake. A real wedding ring should be made of recycled materials if possible, and should cost less than $2,000. A fake ring may also be made of cheap metal or glass, or it may have a design or inscription that is not consistent with traditional wedding rings.

2. The ring doesn’t fit – A real wedding band should snugly fit around the finger, while a fake ring may feel loose or even fall off after wearing it for a short time. Fakes also often have smaller diamonds or gemstones than a real ring would contain.

3. There are signs of tampering – A real wedding band should not bend easily, but a fake ring may do so if it has been improperly made. Check to see if the ring has been polished recently or if it has scratches or dings on it that were not present before the ring was purchased.


If you’re ever in doubt about the authenticity of a wedding ring, here are some tips to help you spot a fake diamond ring. Whenever possible, always buy a ring from a reputable retailer, and make sure to ask the store staff to inspect the ring for any signs of tampering. Also, be on the lookout for duplicate rings that are strikingly similar but have different colors or diamonds; these could be counterfeit rings. Finally, if you’re ever unsure about whether or not to take a picture of your new wedding ring for social media or elsewhere, remember that it’s always safest to err on the side of caution and avoid posting photos that might contain spoilers.